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We aim to support all students that wish to pursue an education abroad experience. Perhaps you dream of spending the full academic year in Paris, but you have never left your home country. Maybe your heart is set on a summer in India, but you wonder how you will find funding.

From local to global and campus to international community, we aim to support and facilitate meaningful academic opportunities and exploratory experiences in and beyond the classroom. Summer courses and Education Abroad are just a few of our offerings.

Our teams will support you throughout the processes and connect you with partner offices around campus to facilitate navigating all considerations that go into your planning and decision-making processes.

Semester Abroad

Our semester abroad programs offer three types of experiences; full imersion, island-style, and a hybrid of the two. A full immersion experience allows students to enroll in a local university, where an island-style experience allows students to take courses with other U.S. students in a traditional academic environment.

Summer Abroad

Our summer abroad programs are led by Emory faculty, with a few exceptions. Students can participate in multiple summer programs during any summer semester, including the summer after their senior year.

Independent Traveling

Students receiving course credit or financial support from and Emory College academic department for participating in an independent project, are required to register their travels with our office.

International Transient Study

Emory College or Oxford College international students may return to their country of origin to study at an accredited university and receive credit toward their Emory degree for this experience.


Maymester is comprised of courses shortened into a three-week format, allowing students to earn credit and pursue other summer opportunities.

Maymester Study Away

New course info coming soon!

Explore and immerse in this 3-week intensive course, which includes online learning and travel. All Emory and Emory Oxford students are welcome to apply.

Six Week Summer School

Engage with Emory faculty and the opportunity to explore a wide array of disciplines. With more than 120 courses available on campus and online through open enrollment, you're just a few clicks away from making the most out of your summer.

Emory College Online

Whether you're an Emory, Oxford or transient student we have online courses available to fit your schedule. Our online courses utilize the Canvas platform and Zoom Video Conferencing for synchronous (live) sessions.

Transient Student Reqs

Undergraduate students who are enrolled at another college or university are eligible to apply for certain programs as transient (or visiting) students.